Wednesday, June 02, 2004

y'all want fries with that?

a friend recently admitted she pulled up to a Taco Bell, thought about ordering, and then proceeded to pull up to the payment window, where she waited an inordinate period of time, getting more and more annoyed. finally, someone appeared at the window, slid it open, and asked what she wanted. She said she was waiting for her order, at which point the taco bell person told her there were no orders in the system.
Rating: 3

rating scale for senior moments

The scale for rating senior moments is 1-5, with one being 'fairly commonplace, a mistake anybody could make," to five, which is "scary; seriously doubting my sanity and ability to function." Three is a pretty good story, while 5 is a story you would only tell your close friends after either a drink or significant circumspection.